Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Wednesday – 10 July

Front Squats (135/95)
Box Jumps

Good work on trying to keep the form correct today

I know times were off as we shuffled bars and worked form.

Qureishi: 10:15
Hart: 14:50
Collins: 18:18
Grabski: 15:35
Brooks: 17:05
Creekmore: 17:20
Glover: 19:55
Rodan - missed the time
Clark: 7:14, thanks for the coaching tips

Tabatas on Thursday - we will be outside on the rubber matting near the climbing wall if the weather is good.

ALL:   check out this site:  Go to the episodes section and review by body part and he has some great ways to help gain that mobility.  COmmunity section is also good - they address questions: Why do I fall over on Squats? What do I do if XYZ hurts?

1 comment:

  1. Looking good guys (and gals) I'll be there next week. Good to see Brooks is back. Stay strong.
