Wednesday, October 9, 2013


3x3 heavy shoulders
Good job today, we had a few PR's on the overhead press today.
Brooks         155
Cummings   115
Clarke         155
Creekmore  175
Glover         225
James          225 x 1 rep
Velez          165 x 2 reps
AMRAP 20 min:
5 thrusters
10 toe to bar
15 Kettlebell Swing
Brooks        7 rds +7
Cummings  5 rds +10 
Clarke        6 rds
Creekmore 5 rds
Glover        5 rds +15
James         7 rds
Velez          7 rds

1 comment:

  1. Now I know why I was tired while eating lunch
