Monday, December 30, 2013

Week of 30 DEC - 3 JAN

Monday 30 December 2013
(See 29 Nov but only 2 of us did this then)
5 rounds of
10 Power Cleans 155/115
10 Toe to bar
500meter row


Tuesday,  31 December 2013
5 RFT - All upstairs
Teammate #1 runs: 2 laps

While Team #1 is running, Team#2 does 30 pushups and 30 situps
Teammate #2 runs: 2 laps
While Team #2 is running, Team#1 does 30 pushups and 30 situps
Repeat 4 more times. (1 mile, 150 pushups & situps)

Wednesday, 1 January 2014
Happy New Year’s

Thursday, 2 January 2014
3x3 bench press
Long Cardio Day – at least 3 miles row or run

Friday, 3 January 2014
All – I picked this test up on one of the pages – we will run it without all 7 burpees, despite the change, I think we will all cut too short if we add the burpees into this.   Note the weight is low but the reps will get you.  Yes, the mental part will hit before the physical.

EMOM for as long as possible (every minute on the minute):
7 Thrusters, 75/55
7 Pull ups
7 Burpees   Do 1 Burpee at the end of your pull-ups!

If you fail, wait until the next minute and start over - everyone will seek to do at least 10 complete rounds

This is a test for pure conditioning (not skill, not strength). This test makes it easy to compare athletes across a spectrum of sizes, locations, and irregardless of skill or equipment. In other words, size, strength, or skill doesn't play a huge role (muscle ups and oly lifting would favor the skilled, heavier weights the strong, and rowing and airdyne favors those with mass). Nor does the running route, height of the wall ball target, or the model of airdyne matter. Some might argue that it favors lighter athletes, but the thruster weight equalizes this more than you might think. Now no test is perfect, and if there is any bias it would be to shorter athletes. This is also an incredible test of mental toughness, as it is very easy to give up on this workout mentally before your body actually reaches failure. Basically this is a test of "Whatcha-got?" So... lets see whatcha-got.

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